
Comprehensive interpretation experts

Comprehensive interpretation experts "technical code for light steel structure housing"In "technical code for light steel structure housing" section 3.1.2, 3.1.8, 4.4.3, article 5.1.4 ensuring, 5.1.5 five to mandatory provisions, shall be implemented strictly.

3.1.2 light steel structure with steel should have tensile strength, elongation, yield strength and the content of sulfur and phosphorus qualified assurance. For welding carbon steel bearing structure should have qualified of guarantee and the cold bending test qualified. For bearing structure with the requirements for seismic resistance of steel yield strength and tensile strength measured values, the ratio of the measured values should not be greater than 0.85, the elongation should not be less than 20%.

3.1.8 unworthy of reinforced fiber cement board and unworthy of reinforced cement aerated foam sheet class shall not be used for floor and wall body between the stairs.

4.4.3 exterior wall insulation board should be used outside the whole steel structure installation. When using fill steel frame type walls, exposed steel structure heat preservation and heat insulation of the outer part should be processing.

5.1.4 ensuring bearing capacity of light steel structure residential structures shall meet the following requirements:

No combination of seismic action & gamma; 0 sd & le; Rd with seismic action combination Sd≤ Rd / & gamma; RE. Type of & gamma; 0 for the structure importance coefficient, for general Light steel structure housing security level 2, when the design service life not less than 50 years, & gamma; Zero values should not be less than 1.0. Sd for the combined effect of the design value, should be stipulated in the "procedures" article 5.1.5 computational. Rd design value for resistance of structures or structural components. & gamma; RE for seismic adjustment coefficient of bearing capacity, according to the current national standard "code for seismic design of buildings (GB 50011 the provisions of the value.

5.1.5 function combination effect of design value should be determined by the following formula:

No combination of seismic action effect: Sd = & gamma; GSGk + & psi; Qγ QSQk + & psi; Wγ WSwk. Type of & gamma; G for permanent loads subentry coefficient, when the variable load control role, should take 1.2, when the permanent load control role should take 1.35, when gravity load effect is good for component bearing capacity should not be greater than 1.0. & gamma; Q for the floor live loads subentry coefficient, should take 1.4. & gamma; W subentry coefficient of wind load, should take 1.4. SGk standard values for the permanent load effect. SQk for floor surface effect of live load standard values. Swk standard for wind load effect. & psi; Q, & psi; W respectively floor surface live load effect combination coefficient, value coefficient and wind load effect combination when the permanent load control role should take 0.7 and 0.6 respectively, when the control variable load should be 1.0 and 0.6 or 1.0 and 0.6 respectively.

With combination of seismic action effect: Sd = & gamma; GSGE + & gamma; EhSEhk. Type of SGE to gravity load represents the effect of the standard value. SEhk for horizontal earthquake effect standard values. & gamma; Eh subentry coefficient for horizontal seismic effect, should take 1.3.

When calculating the deformation of combination effect of the standard should be adopted, namely formula Sd = & gamma; GSGk + & psi; Qγ Q

SQk + & psi; Wγ WSwk formula and Sd = & gamma; GSGE + & gamma; EhSEhk of subentry coefficient should be 1.0.

An emphasis on light

The regulation applies to frame of light Light steel structure for structure system, and form a complete set of meet the function requirements of lightweight wall, light, floor light roof and building system, is a light steel structure housing the design, construction and acceptance standard. An emphasis on light. Can be used in the seismic region of earthquake or not less than 6 layer of steel structure residential building. The apartments, and other construction use for reference. Need to point out is, light steel structure housing the design, construction and acceptance, besides should comply with the "procedures", should also comply with the provisions of the current relevant national standard.

Frame light steel structure is to point to by a small section of hot-rolled H section steel, high-frequency welding h-beam, ordinary welding h-beam or profiled steel, cold rolled or hot rolled forming of square or rectangular, round shaped steel tube of the pure frame or frames - support structure system. Combined with lightweight floor and use the wall favorable factors to resist lateral force, not only can make the steel weight of the steel structural frame structure system to save, also solved the technical problems of multi-level structure has been built, especially can be consistent with the current system of norms, meet the seismic requirements, is a kind of light steel structure residential system which accords with the situation of China.

Light steel structure residence is a kind of special building system, light steel structure housing design and construction of the material must have stability, weather resistance, durable, safe and reliable, economical and practical of form a complete set of lightweight enclosure materials and its supporting technology, which is connected with steel structure, especially the light connection of the wall and steel structure supporting technology. Due to its lightweight, structure performance is superior, the architectural layer and no more than 6 layer, easy to earthquake. As long as the auxiliary materials and technology to improve the fuel economy is better and convenient for popularization and application.

Light steel structure residence is a kind of new construction system, involving the material is new building materials, the design method is the integration of construction, structure, equipment, and decoration. This residential emphasized material matching, form a complete set of technology, design facilities, on the basis of enterprise development, dedicated system, according to "regulations" regulation for specific engineering design, construction and acceptance.

Ordinary steel structure with cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor slab structure systemSteel structure housing, should according to the relevant standards of the current design. The cold bending thin-wall steel low-rise residential buildings, should be executed according to its professional standards.

Construction acceptance and the regulations on the use of maintenance

Construction acceptance. Light steel structure housing projects should be on the basis of the construction general contracting unit self-check qualified, by the construction general contracting unit shall submit to the construction unit project completion report, apply for project completion acceptance. Project completion report must be signed by the general supervision engineer.

In construction quality acceptance, should according to the inspection batch and subentry engineering, division of son (or branch) engineering division, and should comply with the current national standard "architectural engineering construction quality acceptance standard" GB50300, the construction quality acceptance of steel structure engineering GB50205 and other relevant professional norms.

Clear procedures, acceptance of construction quality should meet the following requirements: special acceptance should be building energy efficiency, mainly includes the building shape coefficient and window wall area ratio, each part of the heat transfer coefficient of enclosure structure, external shading coefficient, etc., shall conform to the national standard for construction quality acceptance of building energy conservation engineering "GB50411 design documents and construction requirements; Each division (or a division) engineering quality shall be qualified; Quality control data shall be complete; Each division (or a division) engineering information on safety and function tests should be complete; Main function spot check result should comply with the relevant professional project quality acceptance of norms; Visual quality inspection should comply with the requirements.

The completion acceptance. Completion inspection and acceptance shall be issued by the construction unit to organize the implementation, the prospecting units, design units, supervision units, construction units should jointly participate.

The use and maintenance. Construction units consign is used, should provide residential instruction for use, home use instructions contained in the note shall comply with relevant provisions. Included in the main structure of the matters needing attention: steel structure cannot be dismantled, the coating layer may not be eradicated, decoration shall not be applied on the steel structure welding; Nonbearing wall wall cannot be dismantled, changes should be approved by the original design unit, shall not install any hang on the wall outside, protecting wall act the role of the surface on the periphery shall not destroy, be affected with damp be affected with damp or water seepage; Walls, roofs, floors, etc all kinds of insulation system includes decorative surface, strengthening layer and insulation layer shall be removed and weakened, can not have water seepage, etc.

Clear procedures, users in the use of steel structure in the process, shall not increase the floor and roof use the original design load. Property should be regularly maintenance steel structure wall and roofing waterproof layer, should guarantee the envelope system to normal use.

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